Recent Publications Archive


Chen, Y-R. R., Ma, M., & Hung‐Baesecke, CJ. F. (2023). The Roles of Internal Communication in Driving Corporate Volunteering among Chinese Employees: An Integrated Approach of Social Influence and Volunteering Motivations. In N. McCown, L. R. Men, H. Jiang, & H. Shen (Eds.), Internal Communications and Employee Engagement: A Case Study Approach (1st ed.). Routledge.

Chen, Y. R. R., Hung-Baesecke, C. J. F., & Cheng, Y. (2023). When non-CSR-themed social media influencers endorse corporate CSR initiatives: Effects of publics’ perceived influencer characteristics and leadership. Public Relations Review49(1), [102288].

Ng, Y. L. (2023). Understanding Passenger Acceptance of Autonomous Vehicles Through the Prism of the Trolley Dilemma. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

Shi, J., & Dai, Y. (2023). Audience–campaign planner interaction in social media communication campaigns: how it influences intended campaign responses in the observing audience. Human Communication Research, [hqad003].

Su, Y., & Shi, J. (2023). Extending the Risk Perception Attitude Framework to Predict Individuals’ Engagement in Collective Actions against Cancer. Health Communication38(1), 91-100.

Shi, J., Li, Z., Chen, L., & Tang, H. (2023). Individual and Collective Actions Against Climate Change Among Chinese Adults: The Effects of Risk, Efficacy, and Consideration of Future Consequences. Science Communication

Tsang, S. J. (2023). Communicating Climate Change: The Impact of Animated Data Visualizations on Perceptions of Journalistic Motive and Media Bias. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 1-22.

Wang, S., Chu, T. H., & Huang, G. (2023). Do Bandwagon Cues Affect Credibility Perceptions? A Meta-Analysis of the Experimental Evidence. Communication Research.

Zhang, X. (2023). Will political disagreement silence political expression? The role of information repertoire filtration and discussion network heterogeneity. Human Communication Research. Online first. doi: 10.1093/hcr/hqad009

Zhao, X., Chen, L., Jin, Y., & Zhang, X. (2023). Comparing button-based chatbots with webpages for presenting fact-checking results: A case study of health information. Information Processing and Management60(2), [103203].

Zhong, B. (2023). Going beyond fact-checking to fight health misinformation: A multi-level analysis of the Twitter response to health news stories. International Journal of Information Management70, [102626].

Li, L., Shi, J., & Zhong, B. (2023). Good in arts, good at computer? Rural students’ computer skills are bolstered by arts and science literacies. Computers in Human Behavior140, [107573].

Zhu, Y., & Fu, K. W. (2023). How Propaganda Works in the Digital Era: Soft News as a Gateway. Digital Journalism


Khan, M. N., Shahzad, K., Ahmad, I., & Bartels, J. (2022). Boss, look at me: how and when supervisor’s phubbing behavior affects employees’ supervisor identification. Current Psychology

Khan, M. N., Shahzad, K., & Bartels, J. (2022). Examining boss phubbing and employee outcomes through the lens of affective events theory. Aslib Journal of Information Management74(5), 877-900.

Irshad, M., Bartels, J., Majeed, M., & Bashir, S. (2022). When breaking the rule becomes necessary: The impact of leader–member exchange quality on nurses pro‐social rule‐breaking. Nursing Open9(5), 2289-2303.

Ouwerkerk, Jaap W., and Jos Bartels. 2022. ‘Is Anyone Else Feeling Completely Unessential? Meaningful Work, Identification, Job Insecurity, and Online Organizational Behavior during a Lockdown in The Netherlands’. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(3).

Kara Chan’s new co-edited volume describes the theoretical development of social inclusion as a key outcome measure for health intervention and social services initiatives. The book presents and compares studies that enable us to see how people in different cultures interpret the concept of social inclusion and how social inclusion is experienced among different disadvantaged groups in society. Social inclusion: Theoretical development and cross-cultural measurements is the second book in the Mediated Health Series published by City University of Hong Kong Press.

Fan, F., & Chan, K. (2022). From A Relational Approach: The Persuasiveness of Advertisements Endorsed by Celebrities and Online Influencers. Journal of Promotion Management

Chan, K., & Li, Q. (2022). Attributes of young adults’ favorite retail shops: A qualitative study. Young Consumers23(4), 555-569.

Chan, K., Ho, A., Serban, F. C., & Fung, M. (2022). Nurturing creative talent with industry partnership in Hong Kong. TVET@Asia The online journal on technical and vocational education and training in Asia, (19).

Kabir, M. R., & Chan, K. (2022). “Do we even have a voice?” Health providers’ perspective on the patient accommodation strategies in Bangladesh. PLoS ONE17(8), [e0271827].

Fan, Fei, Kara Chan, and Yan Wang. 2022. “Older Consumers’ Perceptions of Advertising with Celebrity Endorsement.” Asian Journal of Business Research 12(1): 20.

Chan, Kara, and Qiqi Li. 2022. “Attributes of Young Adults’ Favorite Retail Shops: A Qualitative Study.” Young Consumers

Chan, T. H. (2022). Cultivating consumer-brand relationship in social media: The role of consumer willingness to engage. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising17(1-2), 1-19.

Chan, T. H. (2022). How brands can succeed communicating social purpose: engaging consumers through empathy and self-involving gamification. International Journal of Advertising

Chen, Y-R. R., Hung‐Baesecke, CJ. F., & Chen, Y. (Accepted/In press). Public Relations Theory Development In China: In the Areas of Dialogic Communication, Crisis Communication, and CSR Communication. In C. H. Botan, & E. Sommerfeldt (Eds.), Public Relations Theory III: In The Age of Publics (1st ed.) Routledge.

Zhao, X., & Chen, Y. R. (2022). How brand-stakeholder dialogue drives brand-hosted community engagement on social media: A mixed-methods approach. Computers in Human Behavior, 131, Article e107208.

Cao, Ruepert Jiel Dionisio, Minos-Athanasios Karyotakis, Mistura Adebusola Salaudeen, Dongli Chen, and Yanjing Wu. 2022. “Narrating New Normal: Graduate Student Symposium Report.” Global Storytelling: Journal of Digital and Moving Images 1(2).

Feng, G. C., & Luo, N. (2022). Do sex and violence sell internationally? A moderating role of cultural differences in the mediation effect of age ratings on the relationship between films’ content elements and worldwide box office performance. International Communication Gazette

Zhao, X., Feng, G. C., Ao, S. H., & Liu, P. L. (2022). Interrater reliability estimators tested against true interrater reliabilities. BMC Medical Research Methodology22(1), [232].

Fung, T. K. F., Namkoong, K., Kim, J., & Lai, P. Y. (2022). Linking psychometric paradigm of risk and issue attention cycle: Risk information in news coverage of avian and swine influenza global outbreaks. Science Communication44(6), 719-758.

Fung, T. K. F., Lai, P. Y., Chang, L., & Leung, H. M. (2022). Applying the comprehensive model of information seeking to understand chronic illness information scanning: Hong Kong evidence. World Medical and Health Policy14(2), 382-412.

Hung, K., Tse, D. K., & Chan, T. H. (2022). E-Commerce Influencers in China: Dual-Route Model on Likes, Shares, and Sales. Journal of Advertising51(4), 486-501.

Huang, Qiongyao, Benjamin J. Lynn, Chuqing Dong, Shijun Ni, and Linjuan Rita Men. 2022. “Relationship Cultivation via Social Media During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence From China and the U.S.” International Journal of Business Communication 

Zhong, Li, Vincent Huang, and Steve Guo. 2022. “Mobile Phone Paradox: A Two-Path Model Connecting Mobile Phone Use and Feeling of Loneliness for Filipino Domestic Workers in Hong Kong.” Mobile Media & Communication

Huang, Vincent. 2022. “Information Experiences of Organisational Newcomers: Using Public Social Media for Organisational Socialisation.” Behaviour & Information Technology: 1–15.

Li, Y. P., Xia, M., Duan, J., & Chen, Y. (2022). Pricing-based resource allocation in three-tier edge computing for social welfare maximization. Computer Networks217, [109311].

Liao, Sara, and Luwei Rose Luqiu. 2022. ‘#MeToo in China: The Dynamic of Digital Activism against Sexual Assault and Harassment in Higher Education’. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 47(3): 741–64.

Harris, S., Mak, A., & Tsang, L. (2022). Revisiting contingency theory in regenerative social-mediated crisis: An investigation of Maxim’s and Yoshinoya in Hong Kong’s polarized context. Public Relations Review48(4), [102227].

Marvin, S., While, A., Chen, B., & Kovacic, M. (2022). Urban AI in China: Social control or hyper-capitalist development in the post-smart city? Frontiers in Sustainable Cities4, [1030318].

Ng, Kenny K. K. 2022. ‘Romantic Love, Self-Exaltation, and Social Rebellion: The Influence of Goethe’s Werther on Chinese Epistolary Novels in the 1920s and 1930s’. In Cross-Cultural Encounters in Modern and Premodern China: Global Networks, Mediation, and Intertextuality, edited by Kelly Kar Yue Chan and Chi Sum Garfield Lau, 83–95. Chinese Culture. Singapore: Springer, 2022.

Ng, Kenny. 2022. “Romantic Love, Self-Exaltation, and Social Rebellion: The Influence of Goethe’s Werther on Chinese Epistolary Novels in the 1920s and 1930s,” in in Kelly Kar Yue Chan and Chi Sum Garfield Lau (eds.), Cross-Cultural Encounters in Modern and Premodern China: Global Networks, Mediation, and Intertextuality. Singapore: Springer, pp. 83–95.

Ng, Y-L. (2022). An error management approach to perceived fakeness of deepfakes: The moderating role of perceived deepfake targeted politicians’ personality characteristics. Current Psychology

Ng, Yu-Leung, Yunya Song, and Yu Huang. 2022. ‘Supportive and Uncivil Expressions in Discussions on Out-Groups by in-Group Members in Anonymous Computer-Mediated Communication’. Telematics and Informatics 69.

Ng, Yu-Leung. 2022. “Exploring the Association between Use of Conversational Artificial Intelligence and Social Capital: Survey Evidence from Hong Kong.” New Media & Society.

Ng, Yu-Leung, Yunya Song, and Yu Huang. 2022. “Supportive and Uncivil Expressions in Discussions on Out-Groups by in-Group Members in Anonymous Computer-Mediated Communication.” Telematics and Informatics 69.

Jiang, Hua, Yang Cheng, Keonyoung Park, and Wei Zhu. 2022. “Linking CSR Communication to Corporate Reputation: Understanding Hypocrisy, Employees’ Social Media Engagement and CSR-Related Work Engagement.” Sustainability 14(4): 2359.

Dai, Yue (Nancy), and Jingyuan Shi. 2022. “Vicarious Interactions in Online Support Communities: The Roles of Visual Anonymity and Social Identification.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 27(3).

Goh, Zhang Hao, Edson C. Tandoc, Charles Thomas Salmon, Hye Kyung Kim, and Jingyuan Shi. 2022. “Can Press Freedom Enhance the Effect of News Exposure on COVID-19 Health Beliefs? A Health Belief Model Perspective.” Health Communication: 1–9.

Wang, Xiaohui, Jingyuan Shi, and Kwan Min Lee. 2022. “The Digital Divide and Seeking Health Information on Smartphones in Asia: Survey Study of Ten Countries.” Journal of Medical Internet Research 24(1).

Song, C. Y., Huang, M. Z., Schuldt, J. P., & Yuan, Y. C. (2022). National prisms of a global phenomenon: A comparative study of press coverage of climate change in the US, UK and China. Journalism23(10), 2208-2229.

Wang, Xiaohui, Yunya Song, and Youzhen Su. 2022. “Less Fragmented but Highly Centralized: A Bibliometric Analysis of Research in Computational Social Science.” Social Science Computer Review

Celine Yunya Song, Lin, Q., Kwon, K. H., Choy, C.H.Y., & Xu, R. 2022. “Contagion of Offensive Speech Online: An Interactional Analysis of Political Swearing.” Computers in Human Behavior. (SSCI)

Coombs, W. T., & Tachkova, E. R. (2022). Elaborating the concept of threat in contingency theory: An integration with moral outrage and situational crisis communication theory. Public Relations Review48(4), [102234].

Coombs, T. W., & Tachkova, E. R. (2022). Extending the Value of Crisis Translation in Crisis Communication. In S. O’Brien, & F. M. Federici (Eds.), Translating Crises (1st ed., pp. 37-48). Bloomsbury.

Kenneth Paul Tan. Singapore’s First Year of COVID-19: Public Health, Immigration, the Neoliberal State, and Authoritarian Populism. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. 

Tsang, S. J. (2022). Biased, not lazy: assessing the effect of COVID-19 misinformation tactics on perceptions of inaccuracy and fakeness. Online Media and Global Communication1(3), 469–496.

Tsang, S. J. (2022). Predicting COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Hong Kong: Vaccine knowledge, risks from coronavirus, and risks and benefits of vaccination. Vaccine: X11, [100164].

Tsang, Stephanie Jean. 2022. “Predicting COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Hong Kong: Vaccine Knowledge, Risks from Coronavirus, and Risks and Benefits of Vaccination.” Vaccine: X 11

Zhao, Xinyan, Stephanie Jean Tsang, and Sifan Xu. 2022. “Motivated Responsibility Attribution in a Pandemic: Roles of Political Orientation, Perceived Severity, and Construal Level.” International Journal of Communication 16: 23.

Tsang, Stephanie Jean. 2022. “Issue Stance and Perceived Journalistic Motives Explain Divergent Audience Perceptions of Fake News.” Journalism 23(4): 823–40.

Thussu, D. K. (2022). De-colonizing Global News-flows: A Historical Perspective. Journalism Studies23(13), 1578-1592.

Wang, Dan, and Steve Zhongshi Guo. 2022. “Making ‘Un-News’: News Aggregation in Chinese Press.” Journalism.

Wang, S. (2022). Hostile media perceptions and consumption of genetically modified and organic foods: Examining the mediating role of risk-benefit assessments. Risk Analysis

Sun, Y., Oktavianus, J., Wang, S., & Lu, F. (2022). The Role of Influence of Presumed Influence and Anticipated Guilt in Evoking Social Correction of COVID-19 Misinformation. Health Communication37(11), 1368-1377.

Liu, P. L., & Yeo, T. E. D. (2022). Challenges in Cancer Control Confronting the LGBT Population in China: Health Risks, Unique Barriers, and Unmet Needs. In U. Boehmer, & G. Dennert (Eds.), LGBT Populations and Cancer in the Global Context (1st ed., pp. 303-316). Springer Cham.

Wang, Ziwei, Minzhu Zhao, Yu Chen, Yunya Song, and Liang Lan. 2021. “A Study of Cantonese Covid-19 Fake News Detection on Social Media.” In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 6052–54.

Yeo, T. E. D. (2022). Models of viral propagation in digital contexts: How messages and ideas—from Internet memes to fake news—created by consumers, bots, and marketers spread. In R. Llamas, & R. W. Belk (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Digital Consumption (2nd ed., pp. 489-501). (Routledge International Handbooks). Routledge.

Chu, Tsz Hang, Tien Ee Dominic Yeo, and Youzhen Su. 2022. “Effects of Exposure to COVID-19 News and Information: A Meta-Analysis of Media Use and Uncertainty-Related Responses During the Pandemic.” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly

Zhang, X., Zhu, R., Chen, L., Zhang, Z., & Chen, M. (2022). News from Messenger? A cross-national comparative study of news media’s audience engagement strategies via Facebook Messenger chatbots. Digital Journalism. Online first. doi: 10.1080/21670811.2022.2145329.

Zhang, X. (2022). Expression avoidance and privacy management as dissonance reduction in the face of online disagreement. Telematics and Informatics75, [101894].

Zhang, X., & Zhu, R. (2022). Health Journalists’ Social Media Sourcing During the Early Outbreak of the Public Health Emergency. Journalism Practice

Zhang, X., & Zhu, R. (2022). How source-level and message-level factors influence journalists’ social media visibility during a public health crisis. Journalism23(12), 2627-2645.

Xie, L., Pinto, J., & Zhong, B. (2022). Building community resilience on social media to help recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Computers in Human Behavior134, [107294].

Zhong, B., Sun, T., Zhou, Y., & Xie, L. (2022). Privacy matters: reexamining internet privacy concern among social media users in a cross-cultural setting. Atlantic Journal of Communication

Zhou, Y., Sun, T., Zhong, B., & Yang, L. (2022). The power of media: the indirect impact of media use on ethnic Tibetans’ Chinese national identity. National Identities

Zhou, S., Villalobos, J. P., Munoz, A., & Bull, S. (2022). Ethnic Minorities’ Perceptions of COVID-19 Vaccines and Challenges in the Pandemic: A Qualitative Study to Inform COVID-19 Prevention Interventions. Health Communication37(12), 1476-1487.

Zhou, S., & Shapiro, M. A. (2022). Impacts of character morality on egocentric projection and identification. Poetics95, [101731].

Ying Zhu. 2022. ““Nomadland”: An American or Chinese Story?”, Global Storytelling: Journal of Digital and Moving Images 1(2).

Li, Q., Riosmena, F., Valverde, P. A., Zhou, S., Amura, C., Peterson, K. A., Palusci, V. J., & Feder, L. (2022). Preventing intimate partner violence among foreign-born Latinx mothers through relationship education during nurse home visiting. Journal of Nursing Management30(6), 1639-1647.

Zou, S. (2022). Aesthetic Subjectification Through Ambivalent Play: Exploring a Ludic Theory of Popular Propaganda. Journal of Communication Inquiry

Zou, S. (2022). When a Subculture Goes Pop: Platforms, Mavericks, and Capital in the Production of “Boys’ Love” Web Series in China. Media Industries9(1).

Zou, S. (2022). Curating a scopic contact zone: Short video, rural performativity, and the mediatization of socio-spatial order in China. Television & New Media. Online First.


Khan, Muhammad Nawaz, Khurram Shahzad, and Jos Bartels. 2021. “Examining Boss Phubbing and Employee Outcomes through the Lens of Affective Events Theory.” Aslib Journal of Information Management

Kumar, Anilesh. 2021. “Religion, Politics, and the Hinduism/Hindutva Debate (Review of Why I Am a Hindu by Shashi Tharoor and the Ideology of India’s Modern Right by Subramanian Swamy).” Media Asia

Kenny K. K. Ng. 2021. “Soft-boiled Anti-Communist Romance at the Crossroads of Hong Kong, China, and Southeast Asia,” in Chineseness and the Cold War Contested Cultures and Diaspora in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong. Taylor, J. & Xu, L. (eds.). New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, p. 94–109.

Wong, Tin Chi, Wai Han Lo, and Mei Fung Meily Cheung. 2021. “Shifting Power Centers and News Sources: The Practices and Struggles of Hong Kong’s Political Journalists Since the Handover.” Journalism Studies 22(14): 1964–86.

Abdul Rahoof, K.K. 2021. “Disinformation and Manipulation in Digital Media: Information Pathologies.” Information, Communication & Society: 1–3.

Lee, E. W. J. and Jingyuan Jolie Shi. 2021. “Examining the roles of fatalism, stigma, and risk perception on cancer information seeking and avoidance among Chinese adults in Hong Kong.” Journal of Psychosocial Oncology

Tsang, Stephanie Jean, Xinyan Zhao, and Yi-Ru Regina Chen. 2021. “Assessing Mechanisms Underlying the Sharing of Official and Unofficial Information during a Pandemic.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(24).

Ying Zhu. 2021. “Zhang Yimou’s Early Filmmaking and Cinematic Transition,” in “Collaborations: The Cinema of Zhang Yimou & Gong Li,” Viavision.

Cao, Ruepert Jiel Dionisio. 2021. “Gay Amateur Porn on Twitter in the Philippines: Primitive Aesthetics and Affect.” Synoptique 9(2): 124-138.

Karyotakis, Minos-Athanasios. 2021. “Communicating Hate on YouTube: The Macedonian Identity in Focus.” In Discourse and Conflict: Analysing Text and Talk of Conflict, Hate and Peace-Building, edited by Innocent Chiluwa, 203–26. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

Li, Ziyuan, Zhi Lin, and Jinghong Nie. 2021. “How Personality and Social Capital Affect Knowledge Sharing Intention in Online Health Support Groups?: A Person-Situation Perspective.” International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction: 1–12.

Qin, Abby Youran. 2021. “Judging ‘Them’ by My Media Use: Exploring the Cause and Consequences of Perceived Selective Exposure.” Mass Communication and Society: 1–23.

Liang, Hai, and Xinzhi Zhang. 2021. “Partisan Bias of Perceived Incivility and Its Political Consequences: Evidence from Survey Experiments in Hong Kong.” Journal of Communication 71(3): 357–79.

Cheng, Yang, Chun-Ju Flora Hung-Baesecke, and Yi-Ru Regina Chen. 2021. “Social Media Influencer Effects on CSR Communication: The Role of Influencer Leadership in Opinion and Taste.” International Journal of Business Communication

George, Cherian. 2021. “Dark Side of People Power: Populism and the News Media” in News in Asia. Judith Nielson Institute.

Karyotakis, Minos-Athanasios. 2021. “Covering the Wildfire of Mati in Greece: Undermining the Systemic Human Impact on the Environment.” Journalism Practice: 1–18.

Sim Lau, Dorothy Wai. 2021. “Charity, Cantopop Stardom and the Pandemic: Aaron Kwok’s Online Concert 2020.” Celebrity Studies: 1–4.

Zhao, Xinyan, and Stephanie J. Tsang. 2021. “Self-Protection by Fact-Checking: How Pandemic Information Seeking and Verifying Affect Preventive Behaviours.” Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management

Wang, Dan, and Steve Zhongshi Guo. 2021. “Native Advertising in the Chinese Press: Implications of State Subsidies for Journalist Professional Self-Identification.” Digital Journalism: 1–17.

Liu, Piper Liping, and Tien Ee Dominic Yeo. 2021. “How Online Patient-Provider Communication Impacts Quality of Life: Examining the Role of Patient-Centered Care and Health Competence.” Health Communication: 1–6.

Liang, Hai, and Xinzhi Zhang. 2021. “Partisan Bias of Perceived Incivility and Its Political Consequences: Evidence from Survey Experiments in Hong Kong.” Journal of Communication 71(3): 357–79.

Irshad, Muhammad, Jos Bartels, Mehwish Majeed, and Sajid Bashir. 2021. “When Breaking the Rule Becomes Necessary: The Impact of Leader–Member Exchange Quality on Nurses pro-Social Rule-Breaking.” Nursing Open

Croes, Emmelyn, and Jos Bartels. 2021. “Young Adults’ Motivations for Following Social Influencers and Their Relationship to Identification and Buying Behavior.” Computers in Human Behavior 124

Terlutter, Ralf, Sandra Diehl, Isabell Koinig, Kara Chan, and Lennon Tsang. 2021. “‘I’m (Not) Offended by Whom I See!’ The Role of Culture and Model Ethnicity in Shaping Consumers’ Responses toward Offensive Nudity Advertising in Asia and Western Europe.” Journal of Advertising: 1–19.

Hung, Kineta. 2021. “Celebrity, Influencer, Brand Endorsement: Processes and Effects.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication, edited by Jon Nussbaum. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ng, Kenny K. KYesterday, Today, Tomorrow: Hong Kong Cinema with Sino-links in Politics, Art, and Tradition《昨天今天明天:內地與香港電影的政治、藝術與傳統. Hong Kong: Chunghwa Co., 2021.

Man, Eva Kit Wah. The Politics of the Cantonese Language in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2021.

Sheer, Vivian C. 2021. “The State of Norm-Based Antismoking Research: Conceptual Frameworks, Research Designs, and Implications for Interventions.” Health Communication: 1–16.

Yeo, Tien Ee Dominic. 2021. “Safer Sex.” In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology.

Chan, Kara, Jingyuan Shi, Luisa Agante, Suzanna J. Opree, and Thanaseelen Rajasakran. 2021. “Applying Regulatory Fit Theory and Cultural Values Orientation to Predict Effectiveness of Public Service Advertising Appeals.” International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing

Luqiu, Luwei Rose, and Sara Xueting Liao. 2021. “Rethinking ‘the Personal Is Political:’ Enacting Agency in the Narrative of Sexual Harassment Experiences in China.” Discourse & Society

Su, Youzhen, and Jingyuan Shi. 2021. “Extending the Risk Perception Attitude Framework to Predict Individuals’ Engagement in Collective Actions against Cancer.” Health Communication: 1–10.

Zhang, Xinzhi, and Rui Zhu. 2021. “How Source-Level and Message-Level Factors Influence Journalists’ Social Media Visibility during a Public Health Crisis.” Journalism

Huang, Lei Vincent. 2021. “All in one place? Reluctance in everyday mobile communication in China.” In Engaging Social Media in China: Platforms, Publics, and Production, edited by Yang, Guobin, and Wei Wang. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.

Huang, Qiongyao, Jie Jin, Benjamin J. Lynn, and Linjuan Rita Men. 2021. “Relationship Cultivation and Public Engagement via Social Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic in China.” Public Relations Review 47(4).

Luqiu, Luwei Rose, and Yi Kang. 2021. “Loyalty to WeChat beyond National Borders: A Perspective of Media System Dependency Theory on Techno-Nationalism.” Chinese Journal of Communication, 1–18.

Ao, Song Harris and Angela Ka Ying Mak. 2021. “Regenerative Crisis, Social Media Publics and Internet Trolling: A Cultural Discourse Approach.” Public Relations Review 47(4).

Zhang, Xinzhi. 2021. “Innovation and Conformity in Music Reproduction: A Network Analytics Approach to Contestants’ Song Covering in Reality Shows in Mainland China and the U.S.” International Communication Gazette

Zhu, Ying. 2021. “From Hollywood to the Soviet Model: Building a Socialist Chinese Cinema.” In The Odyssey of Communism: Visual Narratives, Memory and Culture, edited by Michaela Praisler and Oana Gheorghiu, 139–163. UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Chang, Leanne, and Weiyu Zhang. 2021. “Procedural Justice in Online Deliberation: Theoretical Explanations and Empirical Findings.” Journal of Deliberative Democracy 17(1):

Basnyat, Iccha, and Leanne Chang. 2021. “Tensions in Support for Family Caregivers of People with Dementia in Singapore: A Qualitative Study.” Dementia

Lau, Dorothy Wai Sim. 2021. “Aamir Khan and Celebrity Humanitarianism in Asia: Towards a Cosmopolitical Persona.” Celebrity Studies: 1–16.

Luqiu, Luwei Rose, and Shuning Lu. 2021. “Bounded or Boundless: A Case Study of Foreign Correspondents’ Use of Twitter During the 2019 Hong Kong Protests.” Social Media + Society 7(1):

Mak, Angela K. Y., Suwichit (Sean) Chaidaroon, Alessandro Poroli, and Augustine Pang. 2021. “Understanding Organizational and Socio-Cultural Contexts: A Communicative Constitutive Approach to Social License to Operate among Top Hong Kong Companies.” Public Relations Review 47(3):

Tsang, Stephanie Jean, Huang, Yu, Zhang, Yin, Song, Yunya, & Zhou, Lin. 2021. 信息診斷系統設計思路:人工核查、廣眾參與和人工智能的三合一運用 [Theorizing an Information Diagnosis System: The hybrid uses of manual fact-checking, crowdsourcing and artificial intelligence]. 全球傳媒學刊, 8(1), 66-93.

Cao, Ruepert Jiel Dionisio. 2021. “Information Literacy and Types of Information and Media Sources.” In The Critical Prosumer: Developing Media and Information Literacy, edited by Cheryll Ruth Soriano and Gerardo A. Mariano, 47-68. Manila, Philippines: Communication Foundation for Asia.

Cao, Ruepert Jiel Dionisio. 2021. “Amateur Porn in Filipino Twitter Alter Community: Affordances, Commodification, Ghettoization, and Gay Masculinity.” Media International Australia

Cheng, Yang, Yi-Ru Regina Chen, and Chun-Ju Flora Hung-Baesecke. 2021. “Social Media Influencers in CSR Endorsement: The Effect of Consumer Mimicry on CSR Behaviors and Consumer Relationships.” Social Science Computer Review

Hung-Baesecke, Chun-Ju Flora, Yi-Ru Regina Chen, and Lan Ni. 2021. “The Excellence Theory – Origins, Contribution and Critique.” In Public Relations, edited by Chiara Valentini, 313-334. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Khan, Md. Mahmudul Islam, and Md Ruhul Kabir. 2021. “Prevalence and Associated Factors of Early Cessation of Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice in Noakhali, Bangladesh: A Mixed-Method Study.” Journal of Pediatric Nursing

Ghosh, Susmita, Md. Ruhul Kabir, Majharul Islam, Zehad Bin Shadat, Fahim Sarkar Ishat, Riad Hasan, Ismail Hossain, Sayeda Saima Alam, and Oumma Halima. 2020. “Association between Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Practices (WASH) and Anthropometric Nutritional Status among Selected under-Five Children in Rural Noakhali, Bangladesh: A Cross-Sectional Analysis.” Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 11(1): 141–51.

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