Research Areas
Ethics and Media Literacy

We conduct research on the philosophical bases and daily practices of media ethics with a view to bridging the gap between journalism scholars and practitioners by stimulating dialogues between them.
Cherian George
Professor , Department of Journalism & Associate Dean (Research and Development) of School of Communication
Kenneth Paul Tan
Professor, Department of Journalism
Rose Luqiu
Assistant Professor & Associate Head of Department of Journalism
Steve Guo
Professor, Interim Dean and Chair of Research Postgraduate Studies Communication of School of Communication
Zou Sheng
Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism
Recent Publications
Ku, K. Y. L., Kong, S. Q., Song, Y., Deng, L. P., Kang, Y., & Hu, A. 2019. What Predicts Adolescents’ Critical Thinking about Real-life News? The Roles of Social Media News Consumption and News Media Literacy. Thinking Skills and Creativity.
Lee, F. L. F. & Zhang, Y. 2019. A Network Analytic Approach to Selective Consumption of Newspapers: The Impact of Politics, Market, and Technology. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.
Lo, Wai Han, Benson Shu Yan Lam, and Meily Mei Fung Cheung. 2019. The Dynamics of Political Elections: A Big Data Analysis of Intermedia Framing Between Social Media and News Media. Social Science Computer Review.
Song, Y., Lee, C. C., & Huang, Z. 2019. The News Prism of Nationalism versus Globalism: How does the US, UK and Chinese Elite Press Cover ‘China’s rise’?. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, DOI: 1464884919847143
Song, Yunya, and Ran Xu. 2018. Affective Ties That Bind- Investigating The Affordances Of Social Networking Sites For Commemoration Of Traumatic Events. Social Science Computer Review. doi:10.1177/0894439318770960
Song, Y., & Wu, Y. 2018. Tracking the Viral Spread of Incivility on Social Networking Sites: The Case of Cursing in Online Discussions of Hong Kong–Mainland China Conflict. Communication and the Public, 3(1), 46-61.
Song, Y., & Lee, C.-C. 2017. ‘Collective Memories’ of Global Media Events: Anniversary Journalism of the Berlin Wall and Tiananmen Crackdown in the Anglo-American Elite Press, 1990–2014. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, DOI: 10.1177/1464884917720304
Song, Y., Lu, Y., Chang, T. K., & Huang, Y. 2017. Polls in an Authoritarian Space: Reporting and Representing Public Opinion in China. Asian Journal of Communication, 27(4), 339–356
Song, Y. & Zhang, Y. 2017. What can Software Tell us about Media Coverage and Public Opinion? An Analysis of Political News Posts and Audience Comments on Facebook by Computerized Method (Chapter 18). In Ciampaglia, G. L., Mashhadi, A. J., & Yasseri, T. (eds.), Social Informatics 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10540, pp.230–241.
Song, Y., & Lee, C.-C. 2016. Perceiving Different Chinas: Paradigm Change in the “Personalized Journalism” of Elite U.S. Journalists, 1976–1989. International Journal of Communication, 10, 4460–4479.
Lee, A. Y. L. 2020. Launching MIL Projects in Hong Kong under the Smart City Blueprint. In M. H. Yanaze and F. C. Chibas Ortiz (eds.), From Smart Cities to MIL Cities (pp. 109-124). Sao Paulo: University of Sao Paulo.
Lee, A. Y. L. 2019. A MIL Framework for Constructive News and the Use of Information for the Construction of MIL Cities in Asia. In M. Yanaze and F. Chibas Ortiz (eds.), Marketing Communication Technology & Innovation in the MIL Cities (pp. 243-256). Sao Paulo: Arts Communication School, University of Sao Paulo.
Lee, A. Y. L. 2019. Teachers of Journalism. In Vos T. and Hanusch F. (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
George, Cherian, Zeng, Y. and Mazumdar, S. 2019. Navigating Conflicts Of Interest: Ethical Policies Of 12 Exemplary Asian Media Organisations. Journalism, 146488491983218. doi:10.1177/1464884919832188
Belinha S. De Abreu, Paul Mihailidis, Alice Y.L. Lee, Jad Melki, and Julian McDougall (eds.). 2017. International Handbook of Media Literacy Education. Routledge.
Lee, A. Y. L. 2017. Promoting Media Literacy in China: The Agency Effort. The Journal of Media Literacy, 64(1&2), 70-73.
Lee, Alice Y L, Zhang Kai, and Kara Chan. 2017. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Media Literacy: Research And Practices. Beijing: Communication University of China Press.
Guo, Z., Zhou, B., & Lu, Y. 2016. Media Literacy, Political Cognition, Media Functions, and Media Use: A Theoretical Exploration. In Xiao X., Huang Y, & Song Y, (eds.) Communication & Society’s 10th Anniversary Series (pp. 413-438). Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.
Lee, A. Y. L. 2016. Learning Media Literacy in Urban and Rural Schools in China. The Journal of Media Literacy, 63 (1&2), 34-41.
Lee, A. Y. L. 2016. Media Education in the School 2.0 Era: Teaching Media Literacy through Laptop Computers and iPads. Global Media and China, 1(4), 435-449.
Lee, A. Y. L., Wang, T. 2016. Teaching and Learning Media Literacy in China: The Uses of Media Literacy Education. In C. K. Cheung (ed.), Media Literacy in China (pp.11-29). Singapore: Springer Science+Business Media.
Lee, A. Y. L., Cheung, C. K., & Cheung, M. 2016. Bringing Media Literacy Education into the School Curriculum: A Tri-Level Adoption of Innovation Model. In C. K. Cheung (ed.), Media literacy in China (pp. 31-45). Singapore: Springer Science+Business Media.