Research Areas

Hong Kong Cinema, Mediascape, and Culture

Our research explores new terrains of Hong Kong cinema and media culture in their intermedia, transnational, transpacific and sociohistorical connections to cover studies of screen adaptation, cultural policy and geography, social activism, critical theory and aesthetics of commercial, independent and documentary films and new media in the post-colonial city and the related histories and developments, encouraging synergies between theory and practice among academia and working professionals.



Kenny Ng
Associate Professor, Academy of Film (School of Creative Arts)

Albert Yu
Senior Lecturer, Department of Interactive Media


Recent Publications

Ng Kwok Kwan, Kenny. 2019. Looking through My Fly’s-Eye View: Chan Tze-woon’s Documentary of the 2014 Umbrella Movement. Ex-position, no. 42, 89–117.

Ng Kwok Kwan, Kenny. 2019. The Eternal Return of Mythology: The White (Green) Snake Legend in Maoist China and Colonial Hong Kong, in Kwai-Cheung Lo and Jessica Yeung (eds.), Chinese Shock of the Anthropocene: Image, Music and Text in the Age of Climate Change. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 83–107.

Lau Wai Sim, Dorothy. 2018. Reframing Celebrities in the Post-Handover Hong Kong: Political Advocacy, Social Media, and the Performance of Denise Ho. Hong Kong Studies 1 (1), 51-65.

Ng Kwok Kwan, Kenny. 2018. The Way of The Platinum Dragon: Xue Juexian and the Sound of Politics in 1930s Cantonese Cinema. In Emilie Y.Y. Yeh (ed.), Kaleidoscopic Histories: Early Film Culture in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Republican China. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press, 156–76.

Man Kit Wah, Eva. 2017. The Aesthetics and the Regional Identity Strategies of A Post-Colonial Project: The Case of Hong Kong’s West Kowloon Cultural District and Its Aftermath. In Aysen Savas ed., Jale N. Erzen Testimonial, Ankara: METU Univ. Press, 159-175.

Ng Kwok Kwan, Kenny. 2017. Censorship at Work: Cold War Paranoia and Purgation of Chinese Ghost Stories. In Yiu-wai Chu (ed.), Hong Kong Culture and Society in the New Millennium: Hong Kong as Method. Singapore: Springer, 111–128.

Ng Kwok Kwan, Kenny. 2017. The Resurrection of Female Ghosts from Classical Chinese Opera and the Hollywood Tradition in Cantonese Cinema. In Vincent Durand-Dastès and Marie Laureillard (eds.), Fantômes dans l’Extrême-Orient d’hier et d’aujourd’hui (Ghosts in the Far East in the Past and Present). Paris: les Presses de l’Inalco, 421–43.