Research Areas
Politics and Mediated Communication
We are devoted to theory-driven empirical studies at the intersection of macro- and micro-level perspectives to tackle issues concerned with the role of the news media in constructing socio-political reality and shaping public opinions.
Feng GuangChao
Associate Professor, Department of Interactive Media
Cherian George
Professor, Department of Journalism & Associate Dean (Research and Development) of School of Communication
Steve Guo
Professor, Interim Dean and Chair of Research Postgraduate Studies Committee of School of Communication
Kenneth Paul Tan
Professor, Department of Journalism
Rose Luqiu
Associate Professor & Associate Head of Department of Journalism
Daya Thussu
Professor, Department of Journalism
Stephanie Tsang
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies
Celine Song
Professor, Department of Interactive Media & Director of AI and Media Research Labvof School of Communication
Nick Zhang
Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism
Zhu Yuner
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Interactive Media
Zou Sheng
Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism
Recent Publications
George, Cherian. The Scourge of Disinformation-Assisted Hate Propaganda In Fake News: Understanding Media and Misinformation in the Digital Age, edited by Melissa Zimdars and Kembrew McLeod, 145–152. MIT Press, 2020.
Hatef, Azeta, and Rose Luqiu. 2020. Media and Intervention: Examining Representations of Afghan Women in The New York Times. Journalism Practice, 1–16.
Lo, Wai Han. 2020. Governmentality and Neoliberalism: A Study of Media Discourse on Poverty in Hong Kong. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 1–24.
Luqiu, Luwei Rose, and Fan Yang. 2020. Weibo Diplomacy: Foreign Embassies Communicating on Chinese Social Media. Government Information Quarterly 37(3).
Tsang, Stephanie Jean. 2020. “Motivated Fake News Perception: The Impact of News Sources and Policy Support on Audiences’ Assessment of News Fakeness.” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.
George, Cherian. 2019. Aligning Media Policy with Executive Dominance. In Rahim, Lily Z., and Barr, Michael. (eds.). The Limits of Authoritarian Governance in Singapore’s Developmental State. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 219-232. doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-1556-5_10
George, Cherian. 2019. Journalism and Authoritarian Resilience. In Wahl-Jorgensen, Karin, and Hanitzsch, Thomas (eds.) The Handbook of Journalism Studies, 2nd edition. International Communication Association Handbook Series. London: Routledge.
Lee, F. L. F. & Zhang, Y. 2019. A Network Analytic Approach to Selective Consumption of Newspapers: The Impact of Politics, Market, and Technology. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.
Li, Y. T., & Song, Y. 2019. Taiwan as Ghost Island? Ambivalent Articulation of Marginalized Identities in Computer-Mediated Discourses. Discourse & Society, 0957926519889124.
Lo, Wai Han, Benson Shu Yan Lam, and Meily Mei Fung Cheung. 2019. The Dynamics of Political Elections: A Big Data Analysis of Intermedia Framing Between Social Media and News Media. Social Science Computer Review.
Lu, S., & Luqiu, L. R. 2019. Does Political Efficacy Equally Predict News Engagement Across Countries? A Multilevel Analysis of the Relationship among Internal Political Efficacy, Media Environment and News Engagement. New Media & Society. doi: 1461444819888417
Luqiu, L. R., & Yang, F. 2019. Anti-Muslim Sentiment on Social Media in China and Chinese Muslims’ Reactions to Hatred and Misunderstanding. Chinese Journal of Communication, 1-17.
Song, Y., Lee, C. C., & Huang, Z. 2019. The News Prism of Nationalism versus Globalism: How does the US, UK and Chinese Elite Press cover ‘China’s rise’?. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, DOI: 1464884919847143
Thussu, D. K. 2019. International Communication: Continuity and Change. Third edition. Bloomsbury Academic.
George, Cherian. 2018. Journalism, Censorship and Press Freedom. In T. P. Vos (ed.), Handbooks of Communication Science 19: Journalism, 473–492. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
George, Cherian. 2018. Journalism In A Climate Of Hate. Journalism 20 (1): 106-109. doi:10.1177/1464884918807070
Huang, Y. & Song, Y. (eds.). 2018. The Evolving Landscapes of Media and Communications in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press.
Luqiu, L. R., & Liu, C. 2018. A “New Social Class” or Old Friends? A Study of Private Entrepreneurs in the National People’s Congress of China. Journal of East Asian Studies, 18(3), 1-12.
Luqiu, L. R., & Yang, F. 2018. Islamophobia in China: News Coverage, Stereotypes, and Chinese Muslims’ Perceptions of Themselves and Islam. Asian Journal of Communication, 28(6), 1-22.
Guo, Z. 2018. Media Credibility in the Public Mind: A Critique. Communication & Society. Vol. 46: 153-182.
Sparks, Colin. 2018. Changing Concepts For A Changing World. Journal Of Communication 68 (2): 390-398. doi:
Sparks, Colin. 2018. China’s Soft Power From The BRICS To The BRI. Global Media And China 3 (2): 92-99. doi:10.1177/2059436418778935
Tsang, S. J. 2018. Empathy and the Hostile Media Phenomenon. Journal of Communication, 68(4), 809-829.
Thussu, D. K. 2018. BRI: Bridging or Breaking BRICS? Global Media and China, 3(2): 117-122.
Thussu, D. K. 2018. A New Global Communication Order for a Multipolar World, Communication Research and Practice, 4(1): 52-66.
Wang, Haiyan, Colin Sparks, and Yu Huang. 2018. Measuring Differences In The Chinese Press: A Study Of People’S Daily And Southern Metropolitan Daily. Global Media And China 3 (3): 125-140. doi:10.1177/2059436418806022
Wang, Haiyan, and Colin Sparks. 2018. Chinese Newspaper Groups In The Digital Era: The Resurgence Of The Party Press. Journal Of Communication 69 (1): 94-119. doi:10.1093/joc/jqy061
Wang, Haiyan, and Colin Sparks. 2018. Marketing Credibility. Journalism Studies, 1-18. doi:10.1080/1461670x.2018.1513815
Zeng, Wenna, and Colin Sparks. 2018. Production And Politics In Chinese Television. Media, Culture & Society. doi:10.1177/0163443718764785
Zhang, X. & Lin, W.-Y. 2018. Hanging Together or Not? Impacts of Social Media Use and Organisational Membership on Individual and Collective Political Actions. International Political Science Review, 39(2), 273-289. doi: 10.1177/0192512116641842
Zhang, X. & Lin, W.-Y. 2018. Stoking the Fires of Participation: Extending the Gamson Hypothesis on Social Media Use and Elite-Challenging Political Engagement. Computers in Human Behavior. 79, 217-226. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2017.10.036
Zhang, Y. & Lee, F. L. F. 2018. Examining the Connectedness of Connective Action: The Participant-Initiated Facebook Pages in Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement. International Journal of Communication, 12, 1591–1611.
Zhang, Y. & Erni, J. N. 2018. In with Expectations and out with Disappointment: Social Media Uses by Sexual Minority and the Redefinition of Intimacy. In Andreassen, R., Petersen, M. N., Harrison, K., & Raun, T. (eds.), Mediated Intimacies: Connectivities, Relationalities and Proximities (pp.143–155). London: Routledge.
George, Cherian (ed.). 2017. Communicating with Power. International Communication Association Theme Book Series. Peter Lang.
George, Cherian. 2017. Hate Spin: The Manufacture of Religious Offense and its Threat to Democracy. MIT Press.
George, Cherian. Neoliberal ‘Good Governance’ in Lieu of Rights: Lee Kuan Yew’s Singapore Experiment. In Speech and Society in Turbulent Times: Freedom of Expression in Comparative Perspective, edited by Monroe Price and Nicole Stremlau, 114–30. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. DOI:10.1017/9781316996850.008
Guo, Z., Chan, W., & Cheung, S. 2017. News Creativity in the Eyes of Journalists. Hong Kong: City University Press.
Luqiu, L. R. 2017. The Elephant in the Room: Media Ownership and Political Participation in Hong Kong. Chinese Journal of Communication, 10(4), 360-376.
Song, Y., & Lee, C.-C. 2017. ‘Collective Memories’ of Global Media Events: Anniversary Journalism of the Berlin Wall and Tiananmen Crackdown in the Anglo-American Elite Press, 1990–2014. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, DOI: 10.1177/1464884917720304.
Song, Y., Lu, Y., Chang, T. K., & Huang, Y. 2017. Polls in an Authoritarian Space: Reporting and Representing Public Opinion in China. Asian Journal of Communication, 27(4), 339–356.
Sparks, Colin. 2017. Hegemonic Shadows: USA, China and Dewesternising Media Studies. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 12(1), pp.19–20.
Li, Ke, and Colin Sparks. 2016. Chinese Newspapers And Investigative Reporting In The New Media Age. Journalism Studies 19 (3): 415-431. doi:10.1080/1461670x.2016.1192955.
Thussu, D. K. 2016. Communicating India’s Soft Power: Buddha to Bollywood. New Delhi: Sage.
Thussu, D. K. 2016. The Soft Power of Popular Cinema – The Case of India. Journal of Political Power. 9(3): 415-429.