Research Areas
Storytelling, Stardom, and Performance

Our faculty are working on cutting-edge studies of the intersection of body representation, storytelling, narratives and forms, politics, performance, stardom and global screen cultures. The research responds to the emergent debates pertinent to screen and media bodies, visuality, and technology.
Kenny Chow
Associate Professor, Department of Interactive Media
Dorothy Lau
Assistant Professor, Academy of Film (School of Creative Arts)
Albert Yu
Senior Lecturer, Department of Interactive Media
Zhu Ying
Professor & Director of Centre for Film and Moving Image Research, Academy of Film (School of Creative Arts)
Recent Publications
Man, Eva Kit Wah. 2020. “About Nature: Discourses on the Boundaries of East and West in Curtis Carter’s Concern over Contemporary Chinese Art.” AM Journal of Art and Media Studies 22, 43–53.
Man Kit Wah, Eva. 2020. Cross-Cultural Reflections on Chinese Aesthetics, Gender, Embodiment and Learning. Singapore: Springer.
Lau, Dorothy Wai Sim. 2020. “Star Construction in the Era of Media Convergence: Pro-Am Online Videos, Co-creative Culture, and Transnational Chinese Icons on YouTube.” In Media Culture in Transnational Asia: Convergences and Divergences, edited by Hyesu Park. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
Lau Wai Sim, Dorothy. 2018. Chinese Stardom in Participatory Cyberculture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Lau Wai Sim, Dorothy. 2018. Discussing Takeshi Kaneshiro: The Polysemic, Pan-Asian Star Image on Internet Fan Forums. positions: asia media critique 26(4), 687-718.
Lau Wai Sim, Dorothy. 2018. Donnie Yen’s Star Persona in Amateur-produced Videos on YouTube, Transformative Works and Culture 28, 10th anniversary issue, “The Future of Fandom”.
Man Kit Wah, Eva. 2017. Female Bodies in China: Literati Fantasies, Iron Girls and Olympics Hoopla”, Artistic Visions and the Promise of Beauty: Cross Cultural Perspectives. K M Higgins, S. Maira & S. Sikka (ed.) Switzerland: Springer, 103-124.
Man Kit Wah, Eva. 2017. The Aesthetics and the Regional Identity Strategies of A Post-Colonial Project: The Case of Hong Kong’s West Kowloon Cultural District and Its Aftermath. In Aysen Savas ed., Jale N. Erzen Testimonial, Ankara: METU Univ. Press, 159-175.
Man Kit Wah, Eva. 2016. Bodies in China: Philosophy, Aesthetics, Gender and Politics, NYC: State University of New York Press (SUNY) and Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.