Research Areas

Technology-Mediated Communication

Faculty members research relationships between technology and communication, including mediated workplace relationship communication, social capital via social media, dynamics and consequences of online vacation networks, social media communication, inter-organizational relationships and communication network, media affordances, and on the impact of technology on work routines and online gaming.



Regina Chen
Professor & Head of Department of Communication Studies

Kenny Chow
Associate Professor, Department of Interactive Media

Feng Guangchao
Associate Professor, Department of Interactive Media

Vincent Huang
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Interactive Media

Liu Meina
Professor & Interim Head of Department of Interactive Media

Angela Mak
Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies

Vivian Sheer
Professor, Department of Communication Studies

Sai Wang
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Interactive Media

Dominic Yeo
Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies

Zhong Bu
Professor & Dean of School of Communication

Zhu Yuner
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Interactive Media

Zou Sheng
Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism


Recent Publications

Kenny K. N. Chow (2023) “Simulation in the Post-reality Feedback Loop,” in Mapping the Posthuman (ISBN: 9781032334615) (Eds.) Grant Hamilton and Carolyn Lau, Routledge, pp. 61-76.

Grace H.Y. Chin, Kenny K.N. Chow (2023). “Technology-Enabled Interventions for Sustaining Behaviour Change in Adolescents: A Scoping Review for Research Gaps,” PACM (Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction), 7, CSCW2.

C.K. Bruce Wan, Cees J.P.M. de Bont, Paul Hekkert, Sebastian Filep, Kenny K.N. Chow (2023). “Journaling memorable and meaningful tourism experiences: A strengths-based approach to technology-mediated reminiscence,” Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 57, 61-71.

XiaoChao Xi, Kenny K. N. Chow, Nan Xia (2022). “The relationship between chinese characters and artefacts: A semantics mapping analysis,” The Design Journal.

Kenny K. N. Chow (2021). “The Influence of Repeated Interactions on the Persuasiveness of Simulation: A Case Study on Smoking Reduction,” Interaction Studies, 22(3), 373-395.

Kenny K. N. Chow (2020). “Crafting Animated Parables: An Embodied Approach to Representing Lifestyle Behaviors for Reflection,” Digital Creativity, 32(1), 1-21.

Gambino, A., & Liu, B. 2022. Considering the context to build theory in HCI, HRI, and HMC: Explicating differences in processes of communication and socialization with social technologies. Human-Machine Communication, 4, 111-130.

Kim, K. J., & Wang, S. 2021. Understanding the acceptance of the Internet of Things: An integrative theoretical approach. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 73(5), 754-771.

Chen, Yi-Ru Regina, and Xinyan Zhao. 2020. “Digital Dialogue in Online Brand Communities: Examining the Social Network Outcomes of Brands’ Dialogue with Facebook Users.” Telematics and Informatics.

Chen, Y. R., Cheng, Y., Hung-Baesecke, C. J. F., & Jin, Y. 2019. Engaging International Publics via Mobile-Enhanced CSR (mCSR): A Cross-National Study on Stakeholder Reactions to Corporate Disaster Relief Efforts. American Behavioral Scientist, 63, 1603-1623.

Chu, T. H. & Yeo, T. E. D. 2019. Rethinking Mediated Political Engagement: Social Media Ambivalence and Disconnective Practices of Politically Active Youths in Hong Kong. Chinese Journal of Communication. Advance online publication.

Chen, Y. R. 2018. Strategic Donor Engagement on Mobile Social Networking Sites in China: A Study of Chinese Millennial WeChat Users. Chinese Journal of Communication, 11(1), 26-44. Doi: 10.1080/17544750.2017.1357642

Huang, L. V. & Yeo, T. E. D. 2018. Tweeting #Leaders: Social Media Communication and Retweetability of Fortune 1000 Chief Executive Officers on Twitter. Internet Research, 28(1), 123-142.

Yeo, T. E. D. & Fung, T. H. 2018. “Mr Right Now”: Temporality of Relationship Formation on Gay Mobile Dating Apps. Mobile Media & Communication, 6(1), 1372-1390.

Yeo, T. E. D. & Chu, T. H. 2017. Sharing “Sex Secrets” on Facebook: A Content Analysis of Youth Peer Communication and Advice Exchange on Social Media About Sexual Health and Intimate Relations. Journal of Health Communication, 22(9), 1255-1259.

Chen, Y. R., & Schulz, P. J. 2016. The Effect of Information Communication Technology on Reducing Social Isolation of the Elderly: A Systematic Review. Journal of Medical and Internet Research, 18(1), e18. Available at

Sheer, V. C., & Rice, R. E. 2016. Mobile Instant Messaging Use and Social Capital: Direct and Indirect Associations with Employee Outcomes, Information & Management

Yeo, T. E. D. & Ng, Y. L. 2016. Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Apps-Using Young Men Who Have Sex With Men in Hong Kong. AIDS Care, 28(3), 314-318.