Published: 2020-05-11
Three experienced journalists have discussed how they are currently reporting the coronavirus in the US, Hong Kong and mainland China.
As COVID-19 reaches every corner of the globe, it is still hard to grasp the scale and scope of its worldwide impact. Virtually no aspect of our lives has been left unaffected. Journalists around the world are reporting on the pandemic from many different angles. In the webinar “Covering COVID-19: Reporting the coronavirus from the US, Hong Kong and Mainland China”, three experienced journalists have discussed how they are currently covering the coronavirus in the US, Hong Kong and mainland China.
Ben C Solomon, Filmmaker-in-Residence with Frontline PBS. He was formerly a multimedia correspondent with The New York Times, where he was part of the reporting team that won a Pulitzer Prize for covering the Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone. In his latest project, he reports on what it means for American families in an emergency shelter for people experiencing homelessness under the “stay at home” order.
Elizabeth Cheung, Health Reporter with the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong. She covers general medical news, breakthrough medical treatments and research, government policy and hospital blunders. She is currently covering coronavirus in Hong Kong.
Ran An, Chief Editor of Beijing-based China Newsweek. Formerly a Nieman Fellow and a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Health Reporting Fellow, he has been covering the coronavirus from mainland China. He has 10 years of clinical medicine and scientific research experience.
Dr Rose Luqiu, Assistant Professor of Department of Journalism
Raymond Li, Associate Professor of Practice of Department of Journalism