18 | Communication and Business students win Young Business Talents competition |
17 | Professor Eva Man commended for outstanding public service performance |
3 | School of Communication honours distinguished communication educators and alumni at 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner |
28 |
International Media Salon AI for Social Media Research Path Analysis |
24 | 改革開放四十載 小平開花近平栽 – 這時代+ 尊子漫畫小展 Zunzi’s Open Reform-Political Cartoonist Looks Back |
21 | HKBU 2018 Honorary Doctorate Distinguished Lecture - Why Journalism Still Matters - Professor Michael S Schudson |
15 |
International Media Salon The Changing Media Landscape in a Post-Truth World |
12 | HKBU’s Global University Film Awards concludes, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna wins Gold Award |
5 | Eight Pulitzer Prize winners share their insights and experiences at HKBU Journalism workshop |
5 | Department of Journalism co-hosts International Media Education Summit |
24 |
International Media Salon Observation on Economic Crimes of Media Professionals in Mainland China |
23 | The 8th Pulitzer Prize Winners Workshop |
16 |
International Media Salon Roundtable Discussion on the Future of News Media with SCMP CEO Gary Liu |
21 | Department of Communication Studies marks 50th Anniversary of School of Communication with seminar cum dinner |
12 | Communications Studies scholar wins Top Faculty Paper Award |
10 | International Journalism alumna awarded Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence |
23 | Journalism student wins Commendation Award in documentary contest |
9 | Journalism graduates shine at Consumer Rights Reporting Awards |
31 | HKBU scholar survey: about 70% of respondents find traditional Chinese medicine efficacious but 50% say it is not their preferred treatment option |
18 | Department of Journalism hosts reunion dinner to celebrate 50th anniversary of School of Communication |
9 | Academy of Film hosts International Conference on Documentary Film |
3 | Communication scholar and PhD candidates shine at international conference |
25 | Documentary Film: Regional, Theoretical and Political Parameters |
25 | Journalism students win Merit prize at Human Rights Press Awards |
10 | HKBU Media Arts Graduation Exhibition |
7 | Academy of Film students win Best Animated Feature Award |
6 | HKBU students win top award at SOW Asia Media Campaign |
31 | Journalism students come out on top at Asia Digital Journalism Student Award |
11 | School of Communication holds the 3rd Staff Development Day for scholars to exchange ideas and insights |
3 | Communication scholar wins Best Faculty Paper award from International Communication Association |
30 | Eighteen journalism graduates win 20 prizes at Hong Kong News Awards 2017 |
19 | Asian Advertising Scholar Forum 2018 |
18 | Journalism scholar wins Top Faculty Paper at international conference |
12 | 2018 Public Relations Series When the stakes are high - communicating in times of crisis |
12 |
Data & News Salon Digital News and Interactive Reporting Projects from Taiwan Reporter |
3 | Journalism student wins first place in photo competition with black and white photo “Spirit of Hong Kong” |
12 |
Senior Reporters-in-Residence Scheme Undercover Reporting: The secrets of secret filming |
21 | School of Communication establishes new global partnerships with Canadian University Dubai and DeTao Masters Academy |
5 | Academy of Film launches 7th Seeds Project at Masterclass-cum-Kick-off Ceremony |
2 | Academy of Film graduate Norris Wong wins government funding to produce her first feature film |
27 | Academy of Film student wins Best Director |
12 | HKBU scholar survey finds over half of respondents support sexual orientation anti-discrimination legislation Views divided on same-sex marriage legalisation |
30 | HKBU to present Distinguished Alumni Award to Kitty Lun and Patrick Siu |
23 |
15 | Communication Studies Scholar collaborates with the Department of Health to produce videos to promote Family Doctor Concept |
Dr Dominic Yeo, Assistant Professor of Department of Communication Studies announced yesterday the results of a representative survey of Hong Kong adults which found that over 50% of respondents endorse legal protection against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, but nearly 40% object to same-sex marriage.
To understand Hong Kong people’s attitude about social acceptance of gay and lesbian people as well as support for legislating sexual orientation discrimination protection and same-sex marriage, Dr Yeo and his team used a method of random sampling to conduct telephone interviews with 1,008 Cantonese-speaking adults aged 18 or above. The study revealed that 61% of respondents do not personally know any friend or co-worker who is gay, lesbian or bisexual, while those who reported knowing one or two personal contacts, or three or more contacts both amount to about 20%.
In addition, 52% of respondents accept homosexuality while 34% oppose it. A total of 53% of respondents do not consider homosexuality to be abnormal, 47% disagree or strongly disagree that same-sex sexual activity is wrong and 57% endorsed the notion that homosexuality is an inborn trait.
The figures demonstrate that 51% of respondents support sexual orientation anti-discrimination legislation, compared to 15% of respondents who oppose it. A total of 33% of respondents support same-sex marriage legislation, slightly less than the 39% who oppose it. There is overwhelming acceptance of gay/lesbian people as colleagues (84%) or friends (77%), but not as relatives (40%).
The study entitled “Beyond Homonegativity: Understanding Hong Kong People’s Attitudes About Social Acceptance of Gay/ Lesbian People, Sexual Orientation discrimination Proection, and Same-Sex Marriage” was published in Journal of Homosexuality (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2017.1375363).
Dr Yeo remarked that the survey found Hong Kong people are more gay-friendly, compared to other places such as Singapore; respondents who are younger and with higher income and education level, hold positive views on homosexuality, sexual orientation anti-discrimination legislation, and same-sex marriage legalisation. However, people’s views on same-sex marriage are polarised across religious affiliation, political orientation, age groups, and income levels (Diagram 1 and 2).
Dr Yeo argued that Hong Kong adults are not consistent in their support or opposition to gay/lesbian issues, and make a sharp distinction between accepting gay/lesbian as relatives as opposed to friends and co-workers. This relative-outsider delineation explains why Hong Kong people oppose same-sex marriage but support sexual orientation anti-discrimination protection.