11 May 2018
School of Communication holds the 3rd Staff Development Day for scholars to exchange ideas and insights

The School of Communication held a Staff Development Day on 11 May, providing a platform for exchange between the School and other educational institutions.

There were 11 attendees on the Staff Development Day – nine of them were scholars from the School, one from City University of Hong Kong (CityU) and one from Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (Thei). Seven papers were presented on a variety of topics, including tourism advertising using Virtual Reality, media effects on the public’s self-medication behaviours, and an analysis of controversial advertisements on love and marriages in contemporary China etc.

Professor Kara Chan, Professor of the Department of Communication Studies and coordinator of the Staff Development Day, stated that this was the 3rd year that the Staff Development Day was hosted. “We hope to continue to organise the Staff Development Day as it provides a good opportunity for faculty to exchange ideas and insights to strengthen their teaching and research,” Professor Chan expressed.